What is your favorite sport?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mary Kate Cary, a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush thinks that location plays a major role in the election. Mary Kate Cary, thinks that Ronald Reagan choose a great spot to use for the inauguration. He was able to describe his view of the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and then concluding by honoring the soldiers whose tombstones he could see across the river in Arlington National Cemetery. According to Cary, location is one of the first rules of speech writing. Her second rule is to challenge your audience. She says "Barack Obama can deliver a speech unlike anyone in our generation. He knows how to get people off the couch — to vote, to give time and money, and now to act with the audacity of hope." I agree with this article for many reasons. I think by having good location spots, and changeling your audience it will make Obama the est president we ever had.

In my opinion, I think Obama is really trying to make a difference for our country. I honestly think that by having Obama as president, we can once again be the country, that beacon for the world. Right now, our country needs change, and I honestly think Obama will make that happen.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Living apart From The Paycheck

Family's all are the world are now seeing how difficult it is to find work in their area. Many married couples are now having to split up since they can not find work in there area. One family is the Ghosh’s. They now live 9,000 apart since they can not find work in there area. My Ghosh talks to his children through Skype, or email. In 2006, the Census Bureau reported that 3.6 million married Americans were living apart from their spouses. The Ghosh's aren't the only couples who realized that it is easier to find work outside there area. In my opinion i think technology definitely has a major influence on spouses moving away from each other. Years ago people were didn't have the technology we have today, and therefore could not communicate with loved ones like we can today. We are able to communicate with them through email, instant messenger, video chatting, or even the telephone. I think without technology, it would be much more difficult to communicate with our loved ones.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In my opinion, the internet is a wonderful thing to have. Recently a new study by the MacArthur Foundation, also agrees. Parents have many types of different views about the internet. Some of the negative views about the internet include predators, kidnapping, and even harmful events occurring. The internet may have some negative effects, but it also has many positive affects. Some good affects of the internet include staying in touch with people, research, and in general just finding out useful information. After reading the New York Time article, about teenager’s internet socializing, I think more adults and parents will understand that the internet is a good thing. Most parents see the internet as dangerous or harmful, but they don’t understand that it really isn’t. The internet can be a dangerous place, but it could also be safe. I think most parents need to realize that the internet does help friends stay in touch, and the internet does help children with homework. The internet is a great thing, but most parents don’t seem to understand why. Not only is the internet good for homework, or contacting people, it also allows you to play many games, view the news, and much more. In my opinion the internet has a great affect on kids today. I think the internet is good because I use it everyday to connect with my friends. I also use it for schoolwork, such as studying, or doing research. The interent not only helps me, but I think it helps everyone. Overall I enjoyed reading this article. I think if parents understand how great the internet really is, they won’t be as hesitant to let there kids use it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Safe Blogging

  • Do not use
    Do not post personal information about other
    people or myself
    Do not gang up on someone
    Only use first names
    Never link to
    something you haven’t read yet
    Never say something in
    a blog that you
    wouldn’t say in person

    Give positive criticim